National Volunteer Week 2020 – Bicycle Network Fri, 01 Jul 2022 04:41:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 National Volunteer Week 2020 – Bicycle Network 32 32 Meet our volunteers Thu, 21 May 2020 06:59:38 +0000 To help celebrate National Volunteer Week 2020, we thought we'd help you get to know some of our volunteers with a bit of Q&A.

The post Meet our volunteers appeared first on Bicycle Network.

From 18 to 24 May 2020 we’re celebrating National Volunteer Week. Usually we celebrate with special events and parties in our offices, but because of COVID-19 we’re doing it a bit differently this year.

We’re recognising the amazing work that Bicycle Network volunteers do with some special online stories and celebrations, including inducting new life members and volunteers to our honour board and talking about our history of volunteering.

Now we thought we’d help you get to know some of our volunteers with some Q&A. If you’ve been on any of our events, from the Great Vic to Peaks Challenge Falls Creek, you probably recognise some of these faces.

Board member and Bicycle Network president

Keir Paterson

What motivated you to join Bicycle Network’s Board of Directors?

I had always been passionate about the power of riding to change lives because I’d seen the impact it had on my own physical and mental health. But I was motivated to get involved after I came off my bike on some unmarked construction works and broke a collarbone and some ribs. For a year, I tried to get the construction company to pay my out of pocket expenses to no avail. I spoke to the Bicycle Network Riders’ Rights team, BN’s lawyers wrote a letter and I was reimbursed within a week. I felt like I should give something back and decided to get more involved at that point.

Tell us a bit about your role as the President of Bicycle Network

First and foremost, the Board is there to represent members’ interests and provide strategic oversight, as well as monitoring risks and finances. We’re also charged with setting, along with the CEO and his team, the strategic direction of BN. As President, I’m a key link between the Board and organisation. I also represent the Board and report to members formally at the AGM, but also at member functions, events and, sadly, occasionally at memorial rides.

What is your favourite thing about volunteering?

Other volunteers. The best event of the year is the volunteer event, where we get to thank all the volunteer and recognise those who have given up so much of their time. Not only is it inspiring to hear their stories, it gives me a sense of being part of this wonderful community.

What is your most memorable moment of your time with Bicycle Network?

My most memorable moment is as an event participant, not in any official capacity. When my eldest daughter was 13 we did the Sorrento-Melbourne 100km Around The Bay together. Girls get so many negative messages about their bodies and their capabilities, seeing her cross the finish line and knowing the confidence that gave her will stay with both of us for the rest of our lives.

What advice would you give to someone thinking about volunteering with Bicycle Network?

Do it! You will get more back than what you put in, I can pretty much guarantee that.

Event volunteer

Lisa Kluver

What motivated you to volunteer with Bicycle Network?

I initially volunteered for the Great Vic with a few friends in 2016 as an opportunity to explore new places, meet new people and try something new in between finishing university and starting full-time work.

Tell us a bit about your role on the Great Vic Bike Ride

The Event Control team monitors what is happening on the ride, at the campsite and anywhere in between! We work in shifts to answer phone calls from riders, staff, volunteers and the community who have questions, concerns or queries about the bike ride.

What is your favourite thing about volunteering on the Great Vic Bike Ride?

Every day of the Great Vic I am amazed by the scale of the event, the ‘community’ that is built at each and every camp site and the spectacular new sights and towns we’re fortunate enough to explore (so the answer is everything!).

What is your most memorable moment of volunteering with Bicycle Network?

I can’t choose just one, coming from Tasmania volunteering on the Great Vic has been a great way to explore areas of Victoria that I otherwise probably would never have seen.

I volunteered on the 2016 Great Vic with some friends, and the 2019 with my cousin so it was pretty special to be able to share the whole experience with them too.

What advice would you give to someone thinking about volunteering with Bicycle Network?

There are so many different roles available on the Great Vic, you’ll be sure to find a role that suits you. No matter your age you’ll walk away from the Great Vic with heaps of memories, a great new addition to your resume and a lot of new skills!

Office volunteer

Arthur Humphreys

What motivated you to start volunteering with Bicycle Network?

I’ve been riding bikes all my life – I wanted to give something back.

Tell us a bit about your role as an office volunteer?

I’m a part of the events team and I help with admin duties such as printing, laminating and updating important documents.

What is your favourite thing about volunteering at Bicycle Network?

Working with the events team.

What is your most memorable moment of your time with Bicycle Network?

I have lots of great memories, both on events and in the office. It’s too hard to choose just one!

What advice would you give to someone thinking about volunteering?

Go for it! There are so many opportunities to get involved and do different jobs – I think I’ve got the best one!

Super Counts volunteer

Peter Panek

What motivated you to start helping with Super Counts?

I am a keen cyclist and so the motivation was 2-fold. Firstly, to give back to the cycling community and to raise valuable funds for my Rotary Club and give back to the community as a whole

Tell us a bit about what you do as a Super Counts volunteer?

I coordinate all of the members of our Rotary Club plus cycling buddies to undertake bike counts, as well as conduct the count myself, and then ensure all of the results are entered and returned to Bicycle Network.

What is your favourite thing about volunteering?

It gives a great sense of self-worth and of contribution to our society.

What is your most memorable moment of volunteering with Bicycle Network?

The incredible realisation that old people can’t use technology which has brought immense humor to the whole exercise of entering in the data to Bicycle Network

What advice would you give to someone thinking about volunteering?

Absolutely go for it and don’t hold back. You will get a great buzz out of it and be surprised what you can achieve.

Tasmania Committee Member

Di Elliffe

What motivated you to volunteer with Bicycle Network Tasmania?

I was a bike rider and environmental activist in my younger years, and when I retired I was again looking for something useful to do in the community. I attended a meeting of (then) Bicycle Tasmania and liked the people involved and the organisational style (just enough formality). I was nominated to the committee by an old friend and I’ve been very active with bike advocacy of all types ever since. I’m passionate about making riding in Hobart and across Tasmania safer and more fun for people of all ages and abilities. People have the right to be offered safe options for transport, and riding is so brilliant for health, social connection and the planet.

Tell us a bit about your role on the Bicycle Network Tasmania Committee

Our State Committee provides support for our Tasmanian professional staff, extending the range of their influence and providing additional services to riders. My first role was coordinating of our Valet Bike Parking program – we provide valet parking for events, and the income generated supports our advocacy work. I was President of Bicycle Tasmania for several years, during which time we negotiated a formal merger with Bicycle Network, becoming Bicycle Network Tasmania. My current roles include coordinating our social rides and our Pedal Power programs, promoting e-bikes as a transport game-changer, and producing curated route maps in our Ambassador Routes program. My latest project is implementing our new Riders Club, which brings RideWithGPS tools to the management of our social rides.

What is your favourite thing about volunteering?

I guess it would be the camaraderie amongst the committee and our regular supporters. We share such enthusiasms! People get excited and fire off all sorts of ideas, and in the end we bring things together and usually get some sort of useful outcome. We achieve improvements for riders, even though at times it feels painfully slow. If we weren’t here, riders would not be enjoying the paths, parking, group rides, safety improvements, and the sense of being part of a larger biking community, that they enjoy now. We stand on the shoulders of the volunteers who came before us, and we create steps to the next level for future riders.

What is your most memorable moment of volunteering with Bicycle Network?

I think that would be Bicycle Tasmania’s merger with Bicycle Network. It was satisfying to consult carefully with our members, to achieve unanimous support for our proposal, and to be part of the AGM where it all happened. Then to watch a new office come into being in Hobart, with new staffing firepower and the capacity to get better outcomes for Tassie riders.

What advice would you give to someone thinking about volunteering?

Put your energy towards something that you are passionate about, that will keep driving you forward even when things don’t seem to be going perfectly. And find people who you respect and enjoy being with. Mutual respect and kindness go a long way towards making working in groups enjoyable and rewarding.

Team Bicycle Network member

Alison McCormack

Team Bicycle Network rider Alison McCormack
What motivated you to volunteer with Team Bicycle Network?

I had completed Peaks Challenge and was one of only a few women who had completed it, so was actually asked to join to promote women’s cycling to increase participation – from there I have not looked back. 2021 will be my 10th Peaks Challenge in a row and I can not wait!

Tell us a bit about your role as part of Team Bicycle Network.

I am the team captain. The team are here to support riders achieve their goals. We are a team of 22 people, each of us have completed Peaks Challenge at least three times before getting on the team so all have great experience of the ride and what it entails.

On the day the team act as pace setters having groups at 8, 9,10,11,12 and 13 hours (lantern rouge). We host training rides in the lead up, information nights and are there for support. We also host women specific events to increase female participation.

We also participate as ambassadors for around the bay and you will see some of us on other planned rides like the Great Vic.

For Peaks Challenge we lead training rides from November up to the event. The training rides are for anyone to come along to ride with us, they are a great way to understand what Peaks entails and to ask us any questions about nutrition, training, what to wear etc., and also to meet other riders.

What is your favourite thing about volunteering?

Hands down seeing people achieve their goal! Getting to know people on the journey and to see them cross the finish line is the most rewarding feeling there is. Everyone has a reason for entering Peaks Challenge and to see them achieve their goal is the greatest! We have cried and laughed through the years and I am so fortunate to be a part of it. Every year I complete it with my partner Lee and we have met so many people on the way who have become friends, we are very lucky.

What is your most memorable moment of your time with Bicycle Network?

It is hard to pick a moment as there are so many, the one that spring to mind is my own personal experience as a participant. The first year I entered as my mother had passed away and I set it as a goal, it was such a special moment to cross the finish line.

In 2019 my father actually passed away 10 days before the event. My nephew Jayden had also entered the event and was hoping to ride with Lee and I in the 10 hour group. It was a tough call, Dad was the most amazing man and we were so sad to lose him and unsure if we could ride. However I knew how proud Dad was of my role as the ambassador for Peaks – he would tell anyone he could about it.

On the day it was so tough as always and very emotional. Lots of tears, I was so touched an spurred on by the encouragement from fellow riders many of whom heard and went out of their way to give me some words of encouragement.

Lee and I crossed the finish line in the rain with my nephew in the 10 hour group together, I know that my Mum and Dad would have been so proud, it was a very special moment.

What advice would you give to someone thinking about volunteering with Bicycle Network?

Volunteering is such a fabulous thing to do and the reward is far greater than the effort. There is no better feeling than to know that you played a part and helped someone achieve their goal. Weather its assisting with setting up an event, planning, handing out food, it all assists everyone to achieve something special on the bike.

The feeling it gives you is second to none and as I said the reward is so great for you and the cycling community.

Workshop volunteer

Dario Scarton

What motivated you to volunteer with Bicycle Network?

I think bike riding is fun and very satisfying. While riding with a casual bike riding club, I noticed new members commenting about why they had not started riding earlier and I realised that many more people would love bike riding as I do if they only gave it a go. Looking for an opportunity to share my passion and experience with others I volunteered at Around the Bay where I could help individuals and families enjoy the event, and perhaps encourage them to do more riding after the event. I have not looked back since.

What is your favourite thing about volunteering at Bicycle Network’s workshop?

The people at the workshop are awesome. I always learn so much when I go and I have a great time. The staff and volunteers are always welcoming and ready to help. I love getting involved in fabricating and renovating equipment and machinery and I love chatting with others about biking events and participating in the event preparation process.

You also volunteer each year on the Great Vic, tell us a bit about what your role is on event?

I am a Support and Gear (SAG) team member on the Great Vic. The role involves helping riders who have a problem by fixing the problem. Sometimes, the problem can’t be fixed so we transport the rider and their bike to the next stopping point or to the camp site. The best part is when we can help a rider with some encouragement, or some water, or a puncture repair and they get back on their bike and finish the ride.

What is your most memorable moment of volunteering with Bicycle Network.

This is hard – there are too many great moments. While volunteering at Peaks Challenge, I had the opportunity to watch riders complete the challenge at the finish line. Experiencing others achieve their goals and sharing their emotions is one of the memorable moments for me.

What advice would you give to someone thinking about volunteering with Bicycle Network?

Don’t wait any longer. Even if you don’t love bike riding, volunteering at Bicycle Network will reward you with a great experience in a wide range of fields from working on machines at the workshop to helping feed thousands of riders on the Great Vic. I don’t think you will find a better group of people to volunteer with nor have a better team experience. If you love bike riding then your experience volunteering at Bicycle Network will be even more rewarding, as it is for me.

To keep track of all National Volunteer Week celebrations you can follow us on social media and use the tag #NVW2020.

Click here to see Bicycle Network’s volunteer honour board and life members.

Click here to read more about the history of Bicycle Network and the people who shaped us.

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Celebrating 30 great years Sun, 17 May 2020 23:44:28 +0000 Here's the story of Bicycle Network volunteers Keith and Ray who have notched up 30 years in the blue polo shirt.

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If you’ve ever been on a Bicycle Network event, chances are you’ve crossed paths with Keith Porter or Ray Dowse. Keith and Ray are two of our longest serving and most passionate volunteers who have both notched up more than 30 years of volunteering with Bicycle Network.

Keith first started volunteering on the Great Vic Bike Ride in 1989, when his son’s school took part in the ride which in that year went from Yarrawonga to Melbourne. After joining his son on training rides in the lead up, he decided to sign up as a volunteer where he helped out on the catering team.

“It was great because I got to see him each night” Keith recalls.

Now 31 years on, Keith says that’s it’s the camaraderie between the volunteers that has kept him coming back year after year. “The best part is working with the vollies, I’ve worked with some fantastic people”.

Ray Dowse is one of the volunteers who has been by Keith’s side for many years and they’ve both been a part of the volunteer team since Ray joined just one year after Keith in 1990.

Both have taken on a number of different roles during their time on event, but nowadays, you can find Keith and Ray at the entrance of any campsite manning the gates, directing event vehicles and coordinating the luggage trucks. They are both a part of the logistics team which Keith has been leading since 2014 after many years on the campsite team.

Keith says that it has meant a lot to him to work alongside Ray for so many years.

“Ray’s a really good guy, he’s always willing to help. He’s not a guy to let you down. He must have a special gift to be able to put up with me for so long!”

Keith and Ray manning the gate at a Great Vic campsite.

Keith and Ray’s generosity extends far beyond their involvement on our events and every Wednesday to no avail you can find them at Bicycle Network’s workshop in Sunshine North, where a team of our most dedicated volunteers spend many hours throughout the year building, maintaining and preparing the equipment for our events.

Keith’s favourite thing about helping out at the workshop is that it has kept him busy in his retirement. “It gives me somewhere to go. I think I’ve only missed one Wednesday since I retired”.

Event Manager of the Great Vic, Kahlia Dix, said that the contribution that they have made to Bicycle Network and the Great Vic Bike Ride has been significant.

“They have both worn a number of hats over their Great Vic days … they have influenced and helped develop just shy of 250 campsites”.

“They are a reliable team, always happy to help and are just great to have a chin wag to on event”.

“The Great Vic wouldn’t be the Great Vic without them”.

Keith’s advice to anyone thinking about volunteering is simply to give it a go “they’ll love it”.

Keith and Ray are both valued Life Members of Bicycle Network.

Click here to see Bicycle Network’s volunteer honour board and life members.

Click here to read more about the history of Bicycle Network and the people who shaped us.

Bicycle Network is celebrating National Volunteer Week from 18 to 24 May 2020. To keep track of all National Volunteer Week celebrations you can follow us on social media and use the tag #NVW2020.

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Life member and honour board inductees Fri, 15 May 2020 02:15:56 +0000 Every year during National Volunteer Week, Bicycle Network inducts volunteers to our honour board and awards new life memberships. Here are 2020's recipients.

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Every year during National Volunteer Week, Bicycle Network inducts volunteers to our honour board and awards new life memberships.

It’s one of our favourite moments of the year and usually we celebrate with a party in our offices, however because of coronavirus restrictions we have to do it differently in 2020.

Below are are this year’s inductees – if you’ve been on a Bicycle Network event you will probably recognise some of the friendly faces. We’ve also got a bit information about how each person has helped us.

Congratulations to all of this 2020’s honour board inductees and new life members and huge thank you from everyone at Bicycle Network to the wonderful group of volunteers who dedicate their time to help people ride bikes.

New life members

Life Membership is awarded to volunteers who have been with Bicycle Network for more than 10 years and donated at least 50 hours of time on events in each of those years.

Edward Leihitu

For more than ten years now, Edward has been a highly respected member of our Great Vic Bike Ride and United Energy Around the Bay event teams.

It’s clear that he has a passion for ensuring our riders are kept safe and well supported out on the road, having joined our riding marshal team on the Great Vic and the WARBY team at United Energy Around the Bay each year.

Geoffrey Taig

Geoff is one of the longest serving members of our riding marshal team on the Great Vic Bike Ride, having joined us on every event since 2010 – an incredible achievement!

During this time, he also joined us at United Energy Around the Bay as well as three Great Escapade events where he travelled with us to Western Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania to volunteer.

Jim and Julie Rees

Jim and Julie are two of our most loyal volunteers at United Energy Around the Bay, where for many years now they have taken on the role as ferry attendants down at our rest stop in Queenscliff.

In 2019, they also joined us on the Great Vic Bike Ride where Jim joined the volunteer operations team and Julie helped keep the riders fed as a part of the lunch team.

Sandra Portlock

For many years now Sandra has been one of our most active event volunteers – in the past 10 years alone, she’s joined our events team on over 20 occasions!

A true all-rounder, Sandra has helped in a variety of roles and across many of our events, including the Great Vic, United Energy Around the Bay, Peaks Challenge Falls Creek, Great Escapade New Zealand, Great Escapade Tasmania and Gravel Grit You Yangs.

Richard and Ruth Langman

Richard and Ruth have been stalwart organisers of Bicycle Network Tasmania’s Bike Week event, the Kingsborough Treasure Hunt, for more than 10 years.

In the months leading up to the event each year, they devote many hours to organising all aspects of the event from securing permission to use land to promoting the events to local schools and the media.

Vivienne Zoppolato

Vivienne is one of the most highly valued members of our Great Vic community, where for many years she has been a part of the Eco team.

The Eco team are responsible for ensuring the campsites we visit are left in an even better condition than when we arrived – it’s an incredibly important role and its one she takes great pride in! She took over as the team leader in 2019.

Honour board inductees

Honour Board status is awarded to those who have served on the Bicycle Network board for at least five years, or volunteered in another capacity for seven years, donating at least 50 hours of time on events.

Volunteers who champion specific programs or events who are celebrating five, 10 or 20 years of involvement are also recognised.

Alasdair Sinclair

Alasdair is a key member of our Eco team on the Great Vic, which he has been part of since he first joined our volunteer team in 2012.

Frank Coppens

Frank is the team leader of our amazing SAG team on the Great Vic. He’s also a regular at many of our other events including Peaks Challenge and United Energy Around the Bay.

Margaret Sewell

Travelling all the way from Western Australia to join us each year, Margaret is part of the lunch team at the Great Vic Bike Ride.

Peter Dodd

Pete has given many hours of service to Bicycle Network’s events over the years and he is a key member of our workshop team in Sunshine.

Stewart Livingston

A key member of our SAG team and one of our event regulars – there hasn’t been too many events he’s missed, having joined us on 20 occasions since 2013.

Tim Austin

Tim has been a member of our campsite team on the Great Vic for the past seven years. In 2018 he stepped up to take on the role of team leader.

Vivek Prabhakar

Vivek first joined our team on Around the Bay in 2011. Since then he has joined us on many occasions across multiple roles, most recently in Event Control on the Great Vic in 2019.

Click here to see Bicycle Network’s volunteer honour board and life members.

Bicycle Network is celebrating National Volunteer Week from 18 to 24 May 2020. To keep track of all National Volunteer Week celebrations you can follow us on social media and use the tag #NVW2020.

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Bicycle Network: A history of volunteering Thu, 14 May 2020 07:30:38 +0000 To kick off our National Volunteer Week celebrations we thought thought we'd go back to the start and look at Bicycle Network's history of volunteering.

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From 18 to 24 May 2020 we’re celebrating National Volunteer Week. Usually we celebrate with special events and parties in our offices, but because of COVID-19 we’re doing it a bit differently this year.

We’ll be recognising the amazing work that Bicycle Network volunteers do with some special online stories and celebrations, including inducting new life members and people to our honour board.

However, before we do that we thought we’d go back to the start and look at Bicycle Network’s history of volunteering.

How it all started

Today, we are Australia’s biggest bike riding organisation, supported by almost 50,000 members across the country. For 45 years, we’ve been working towards our mission of creating a nation of bike riders; we support people who ride bikes, work to help develop better places to ride and have built a whole portfolio of programs and events which change people’s lives. And at the heart and soul of everything we do, often working tirelessly in the background, are a team of passionate and dedicated volunteers and they’ve been there since day one.

Bicycle Network was established in Melbourne back in 1975, when a group of passionate, like-minded people came together with the common purpose of uniting the bike riding community. Inspired by the need to give bike riders a voice and to put bikes on the political agenda, Keith Dunstan, Ron Shepherd and Alan Parker worked tirelessly to get the organisation off the ground and together they formed, as we were then known, the Bicycle Institute of Victoria.

Kicking off iconic events

From there we grew quickly, and after three years we had 3,000 members on board and a team of passionate volunteers who were key to the establishment of many of our events and activities.

In fact, one of our most iconic events, the Great Vic Bike Ride, was one of such events to be established by volunteers. The idea for the event came about after Keith Dunstan and one of his colleagues Jeff Hook took part in a similar event in Iowa, USA.

In 1984, the Bicycle Institute of Victoria invited people to ride from Wodonga to Melbourne on what was originally intended to be a one-off event. It was a major success, with almost 3,000 riders taking part on what would eventually become an annual ride and one of the key dates on the bike riding calendar.

An early Great Vic run by Bicycle Network
A rest stop on the first Great Vic Bike Ride in 1975, including devonshire tea for 50 cents!

In 2019 we celebrated the 36th anniversary of the Great Vic, with almost 4,000 riders taking part and a team of over 300 volunteers there with us every step of the way.

Keeping us moving

It’s now been 45 years since we were established and as an organisation we’ve changed a lot in that time. But one thing remains the same, and that is that our volunteers are still the heart and soul of everything we do.

In the past 12 months alone, we’ve seen more than 2,000 passionate volunteers dedicate their time and skills to helping us run our key events, programs and activities.

They come from all states and territories across the country, and sometimes even from abroad, to volunteer their time. Whether it be by keeping our riders fed and hydrated at United Energy Around the Bay, by collecting important data on Super Tuesday, by serving on the Board, by keeping our event equipment maintained at our workshop and helping keep things under control in the office.

That’s why this National Volunteer Week, we’re saying thank you to everyone who has generously devoted their time to our organisation – from our founders back in 1975 to our current team of volunteers in 2020 – for helping build Bicycle Network into what we are today.

Click here to see Bicycle Network’s volunteer honour board and life members.

Click here to read more about the history of Bicycle Network and the people who shaped us.

To keep track of all National Volunteer Week celebrations you can follow us on social media and use the tag #NVW2020.

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