Tips & Resources

Commit to commuting

Commuting to work by bike is a great way to get active, save money and put some extra time up your sleeve.

The commuter revolution

Bike commuters using bike lane

Many thousands of Australians ride to work every day, shrinking the crawling queues of peak hour traffic, saving money on petrol and parking and taking two wheels instead.

If you live within 15km of your workplace, getting there by bike is the smart choice. If you live too far to ride the whole way, jumping on your bike instead of driving to the train station is a great way to get your daily dose of fresh air and exercise.

For those who haven’t commuted by bike before, our tips and resources are the perfect place to start so you get pedalling.

Getting started

Commuting to work by bike is easier than most people think

Save time

If you live within 15km of your workplace, riding is likely faster than other modes of transport during peak periods. For longer journeys, consider saving time by riding partway then catching the train. By making your commute a workout, you’ll also save time you might otherwise have spent at the gym.

Improve your fitness

You’ll be surprised how far you can ride. If you initially can’t manage the full trip, catch the train part way and gradually increase the distance as your strength builds. Once you start riding regularly, your fitness and overall health will quickly improve.

City commuters
Plan your journey

Plan your route before you ride or talk to other riders in your area to find the most bike friendly routes. Opt for off-road paths and quiet back streets, or roads with good bike infrastructure and a high volume of riders. Do a trial ride on the weekend, and consider recruiting a friend or colleague to ride with you.

What to wear

Quick-drying, lightweight clothing that allows for freedom of movement is ideal. Check out what end of trip facilities (e.g. lockers and showers) your workplace provides. If your ride is short and relaxed you can even travel in your work clothes.