United Energy Around the Bay

What's new in 2022

Since Bicycle Network (then Bicycle Victoria) first decided to run an organised ride around Port Phillip Bay back in 1993, the event has been constantly tweaked to maintain the title of ‘best day on the bike all year.’

What’s new in 2022

Having been forced to put the party on ice for the last two years, we’ve made a few changes to this year’s event to ensure the next running of United Energy Around the Bay is just as fun as the first one was.

New 100km route

The new 100 kilometre ride from Albert Park to Williamstown and back is perfect for those looking to clock up their first tonne on the bike. Best of all, the 100 kilometre incorporates the rare pleasure of being able to ride across the West Gate Bridge on a closed lane.

You can learn more about this exciting new ride option here.

Everyone starts at Albert Park

In the name of bringing the riding community together after an extended period of isolation, we have all the ride options starting and finishing at the Albert Park event village this year. No more Sorrento or Geelong start sites – everyone is getting the grand send-off they deserve at the event village, which will be buzzing all day!

We will of course have some additional measures in place to ensure that we can enjoy coming together in the safest way possible, strictly following the latest health and safety guidelines (see COVID info below).

Improved 300km route

The 300km route, and subsequent ‘300 club’ jersey has become a bit of a badge of honour for the keen riders of Melbourne. To reward your efforts and support, we’ve tweaked the route to venture through Point Nepean National Park, adding car-free roads, unrivalled coastal riding and a touch of WWII history. Of course, the ride still tackles the famous Arthur’s Seat climb!

Learn more about the new 300km route here.

Updated rest stops

We’ve listened to rider feedback and updated the offerings at our rest stops to keep the party going all day long. As well as updated nutrition and hydration offerings, there will be more roaming entertainment scattered around the rest stops, an opportunity to do a free hydration testing and Pilates at Queenscliff and Sorrento.

COVID safe events

At Bicycle Network, we see events as an important opportunity to bring the bike riding community together and share the joy of riding bikes. While 2020 saw dramatic changes to the event landscape, we’re busy planning our upcoming event program with the health and safety of riders, volunteers and spectators at the forefront.

Across all of our events, the below key operations will be in place to keep you safe and our events running smoothly. We ask everyone to familiarise themselves with these guidelines and keep up to date with information provided by relevant governments regarding COVID-19 regulations.

Our team want to make your riding experience as enjoyable as possible, so please follow their instructions as we tackle these challenges together.

COVID-19 Icons - Social Distancing

Social distancing

Please remember to stand and ride at least 1.5 metres apart at all times. To avoid congestion, start line procedures will be spread out and in waves.

COVID-19 Icons - Sanitation

Hand sanitiser

All our events will have hand sanitising stations across the course and conduct regular cleaning of all surfaces.

COVID-19 Icons - Signs

Follow the signs

Event sites are designed to prioritise safety and keep everyone moving in the right direction. Please look out for directional signs and follow our team’s instructions.

COVID-19 Icons - Support Staff

Support staff

Our support crews will always have your back, but some things may look a little different or take a little longer than you’re used to. Thank you for your patience.

On route

All rest and lunch areas will have a new layout to assist with flow and social distancing, but we’ll still have all the essentials readily available.

Joining our COVID safe events

We love that we are able to hold events in 2021 and celebrate everything that is great about riding a bike. While you're riding with us, we'd like you to help reduce the risks of coronavirus by maintaining physical distancing, good hygiene and following COVID safe instructions.

Our rider promise

Along with these key changes to our events, we've created a COVID-19 refund policy so you can sign up with confidence.

Join the next United Energy Around the Bay

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