
Final designs for new Upfield trail

With the shutdown of the Upfield line for the massive Bell-Moreland elevated rail project just weeks away, finals designs have been released for the new stations and the bike trail that will link them.

The elevated rail proposal created the perfect opportunity for a completely fresh approach to rebuilding the popular bike route, and at the same time providing open space and facilities for the local community.

The even better news is that the latest illustrations show that the designs have been further tweaked and riders will now have a trail completely to themselves along the 2.5km stretch.

Walkers, runners and scooters will have their own space.

Earlier designs showed some compromises in station precincts where the path was shared. Of course, if pedestrians insist on using the bike route instead of their own path, then it will all have been for nought.

The final station designs include:
  • New signage at Coburg Station
  • Updated facades at Coburg Station
  • Heritage rails at Coburg Station
  • Updated facades at Moreland Station
  • Feature lighting at Moreland Station.

Also included are clearer sight lines with more lighting for people using and accessing the open spaces, increasing safety through environmental design.

There will be at least 86 new bike parking spaces at Coburg Station and 46 new spaces at Moreland Station.

The new trails and open space will finished in mid-2021.

More illustrations and information here.

Major construction to build the new elevated rail is nigh, starting on Tuesday 28 July and running for three and a half months.

Construction impacts on Trail

Riders will noticed changed conditions because trail travellers will be buses between stations during construction.

This will mean extra pedestrians on sections of the trail and around station precincts.

From 8.30pm Monday 27 July to Sunday 15 November, buses replace trains on sections of the Upfield Line.

From 8.30pm Monday 27 July to Sunday 2 August buses will run between the City (Flagstaff) and Upfield.

From Monday 3 August to Sunday 8 November buses will run between Brunswick and Upfield.

From Monday 9 November to Sunday 15 November buses will run between the City (Flagstaff) and Upfield.

As the train line shuts down beyond Anstey Station, train travellers will be bused to and from Brunswick Station (not Anstey).

There will be road closures and traffic impacts in Coburg and Brunswick around the level crossing sites

Riders will notice buses loading and unloading passengers at Brunswick Station, using both Victoria Street and Albert Street.

These passengers will walk on the trail to get to the station entrance.

Bicycle Network is working with Metro Trains and the project to make this experience as trouble-free as possible.

Details will be available soon.

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