
Port Phillip signals bike budget boost

Separated bike lanes along Jacka Boulevard and Beaconsfield Parade are part of a package of proposed active transport enhancements approved for the 20/21 budget at the City of Port Phillip.

The council agreed to boost bike funding for the extra initiatives in recognition that the pandemic has changed how people travel.

The temporary lanes proposed for Beaconsfield and Jacka would considerably boost the attraction of the famed Route 33 ride along Beach Road from Port Melbourne to Mordialloc.

They would remove conflict on the narrow shed path and allow for social distancing.

These streets have excessive numbers of traffic and parking lanes but because of numerous intersections and pedestrians crossings, the vehicles are often stopped.

So there is plenty of capacity available and separated bike lanes could be accommodated.

The council has committed $250,000 towards the project and asks the state government to chip in the balance needed to complete the project.

The full cost and therefore balance of the state contribution required is still being determined.

This is likely to be carefully considered as the state government has previously entertained safety upgrades on the same streets.

Because of safety concerns for the large numbers of bikes on the street, various design were investigated and recommendations made that were accepted by Bicycle Network and the City of Port Phillip.

Regrettably the state government did not proceed with the project at that time, but now they can fund it because they already know it is needed.

Another good project the Council has funded with $150,000 is for the installation of a temporary protected bike lane on Park Street, between, Moray Street and Kings Way, to extend to St Kilda Road.

The council has also committed $250,000 towards temporary bike lanes on St Kilda Road, as a gesture of good faith, asking the State to fast track this vital safety project.

The council also plans to spend about $150,000 to develop shimmy bike routes (informal bike riding routes connecting to local shopping strips).

This would involve selecting quiet-street bike riding connections, marked with bike symbols, signage and safety treatments at key locations.

The symbols and signage would provide ‘breadcrumb trails’ for people to follow across the City, the council statement said.

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