
WA bike month
October is bike month in the west

Western Australia has announced some big bike plans just in time for WA Bike Month this October.

A $105 million federal fund for the new Perth CBD Transport Plan was announced last week, highlighting a number of key bike infrastructure projects, including:

  • Upgrading the Kings Park Road shared path
  • Improving the Spring Street and Mounts Bay road bike connection
  • Upgrading Aberdeen Street bike lanes
  • Wellington Street bike lane upgrade
  • Upgrading the Riverside Drive shared path
  • Roe Street Enhancement (including road upgrades, wider footpaths, improved bike lanes, landscaping, lighting, CCTV, paving and street furniture).

Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said "the City Deal builds on the McGowan Government’s record investment in cycling infrastructure across Perth and regional WA.

“Cyclists are embracing Perth’s expanding bike network like never before and we are eager to harness this success by formalising Perth’s status as the cycling capital of Australia.

“The Perth Greater CBD Transport Plan started out as an aspiration for what our City’s transport could eventually look like and today that blueprint is one step closer to becoming a reality.

“These upgrades will fix missing connections in our CBD cycling network and encourage even more people to walk and ride throughout our city centre.”

WA Bike Month

Hosted by WestCycles and the Department of Transport, WA Bike Month aims to encourage as many people as possible to jump on their bike — for fun, transport or fitness — and celebrate the many benefits of riding.

And if you possibly needed an excuse to get out there and enjoy the spring riding, there's an Instagram photo competition giving away $100 each week for the best bikey snaps.

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