
sydney open space ideas
Reimagining a more sustainable Sydney

Bikes were front and centre when handing out awards this week for the NSW government's Public Space Ideas competition. 

The competition, launched in July by the state government and advocacy group Committee for Sydney, received 530 creative proposals for reinvigorating public space across the greater metropolitan area.

The most successful entries focused on ways to improve the natural environment and green spaces, as well as encouraging safer roads and more access for walking and cycling.

Planning and Public Spaces Minister Rob Stokes said: "We’ve got to start to think more creatively about space. This public ideas competition is about how do we use those spaces more sensibly."

He awarded the Minister for Planning & Public Spaces Award to a proposal to re-purpose 10-kilometres of water pipes in Sydney's west into a flourishing green spine for the western suburbs. 

Greening pipes to cool Sydney’s west

Minister's Award winner

The winner for Best Resilient Public Space Idea was a Botany Bay Blue-Green Grid that unlocks 42km of continuous walking and cycling trails along the Wolli Creek, Cooks River and Botany Bay corridors.
Unlocking South Sydney’s Newest Blue-Green Grid
Best Resilient Public Space Idea winner
With other winners favouring ideas that rethink how street space can be re-purposed as space for people, not just cars, such as My street is a park, which imagines suburban streets becoming part of the park environment. 
My Street is a Park

Best Street Idea winner

With people flocking to parks and public spaces in record numbers in the wake of the pandemic, Committee for Sydney chef executive Gabriel Metcalf said: "As our city rebuilds from the pandemic, we have a great opportunity to reshape the city and make it even more enjoyable for the people who live and work here.
"This competiton has uneathed some incredible innovative ideas and we look forward to working with the winners to make their visions a reality."

You can see a list of winning ideas here.

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