
Park and Ride for bikes at Bulleen
Park and Ride for bikes at Bulleen

In an innovative development, a massive new ‘bus station’ to be built at Bulleen will have advanced facilities for bike riders.

The development is essentially a bus interchange along the new busway being added to the Eastern Freeway as part of the North East Link Project.

The Bulleen Park and Ride will include a green roof, multi-level parking for 370 cars, additional quick drop-off and pick-up parking bays, bike and pedestrian paths linked to the green roof, secure bike cages and parking, myki machines and toilets.

Construction of the $69 million facility is being brought forward and will start next year and be completed in 2022.

Demand for station parking—whether for train or bus—will always greatly exceed supply as long as it continues to be free of charge, so there is a great opportunity for many people to use their bikes to reach this facility each day.

The Park and Ride was originally planned to be positioned on the other side of Bulleen Road, but accessibility to the site would have been difficult.

So the project has moved 200 metres, and been scheduled for construction four years earlier than planned.

It will be ready before Doncaster Park & Ride is closed for upgrades, meaning there will no longer be a need to build, and then demolish a temporary park and ride at Doncaster.

An Urban Design and Landscape Plan (UDLP) for Bulleen Park & Ride is now on exhibition for public comment until 7 December 2020:

The park and ride will also have 24/7 CCTV monitoring and facilities for Protective Services Officers.

The 5,000 square metre green roof will be landscaped and have walking and cycling paths connecting the new park and ride with Koonung Creek Trail and Thompsons Road.

Because the new facility has been brought forward in advance of final plans for the NELP, there are uncertainties over how the new bike parking facility will fit into the broader network of bike routes.

A shared path will connect the facility to Thompsons Road and the Koonung Creek Trail. The signalised intersection at Thompsons Road will allow pedestrians to cross safely from upgraded shared use paths that will run along Thompsons Road, Bulleen Road and from the new Bulleen Road interchange.

Beyond that detailed will not by known until bidders for the project provide the detailed designs for these connections and the wider project next year.

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