
Caution required at Southgate
Caution required at Southgate

Riders should be alert to construction works until Christmas near Hamer Hall at Southgate.

The Melbourne security upgrades project is installing a concrete block at the foot of Southgate Avenue to control vehicle intrusion into Southgate Promenade.

This area is commonly used as a convenient cut-through by riders, so care is needed as the works proceed.

A small area will be fenced off with signage in place to direct pedestrians and cyclists safely around the work area.

This is the final component of the security works between St Kilda Road and Queens Bridge Street.

Riders along Southgate should also be aware that pop-up dining areas have been set up, attracting additional crowds.

There are waiters and waitresses darting through the area, and while balancing drinks on trays, their eyes are definitely not looking where they are going.

So fingers on the brakes are definitely advised, unless you want a glass of rose splashed over your vintage Mapei.

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