
State releases major bike network maps

The Victorian government has released the complete map set for the Strategic Cycling Corridor Network, the state sponsored system of the most important transport routes for people riding bikes.

Many of the routes already exist in various forms while others do not exist in any form. Some are in future suburbs.

However it is proposed that all will be provided over the longer term across Melbourne and the major regional cities.

The full interactive version is here. Zoom out to see more and the regions. 

The project was introduced to Bicycle Network in 2014, and since 2015 has gradually been developed with the involvement of councils, various government agencies and the RACV.

The SCCs were conceived as a network of “arterials for bikes”. They are referred to as ‘corridors' as in some cases there may be small adjustments to the chosen street alignments.

"They identify the most important routes for cycling for transport that connect to key destinations of metropolitan and regional significance, including key employment areas, activity centres and railway stations,” the Department of Transport says.

The State Government has accepted it will have a funding role in the delivery of the network even where it is located on streets or land that is owned and controlled by councils or other bodies.

Although SCC routes will be prioritised for funding, other important routes that are not mapped on the official network will still be developed, including local council facilities and recreational cycling routes

The idea for the SCCs came out of Melbourne master planning document, Plan Melbourne, which recognised the vital economic role that bicycle transport for work and education would play in the future.

The network was designed using five principles:

Destination focussed. Linking up significant destinations, with the greatest activity or density of trips, connecting across suburbs and municipalities to the central city, National Employment and Innovations Clusters, Metropolitan Activity Centres, other key employment and education centres, key health and recreation precincts, and commuter railway stations.

Safe. The routes will be designed with a 'low level of stress’ approach to encourage those who would like to ride more, but are worried by fast and heavy traffic. Particular attention will be paid to intersections and crossings so riders can cross or turn safely, efficiently and comfortably.

Direct. The SCC network provides riders with a route that provides better travel times. Often, this is the shortest and most direct routes possible between significant origins and destinations, to offer users a competitive, efficient and attractive alternative to other modes.

Connected. As the SCC form the important high-level core of the network, it is planned so that it connects to municipal and local routes so that a rider can link up multiple routes to form a complete trip.

Integrated. The SCC network is integrated and balanced with the broader transport network, including access to stations and public transport interchanges, and surrounding land uses, recognising that cycling is one of many modes that make our city connected, accessible and liveable.

The SCCs are also categorised under the new Movement and Place framework being developed by the DoT to signify the function of various transport links.

Routes coloured pink in the above map are classified as primary routes as part of the framework, while those in blue are main routes.

Primary routes provide a core network of Strategic Cycling Corridors that connect places of state significance – the central city, Metropolitan Activity Centres (MACs) and National Employment and Innovation Centres (NEICs) within metropolitan Melbourne.

Main routes are Strategic Cycling Corridors that provide additional connections to state significant destinations, as well as connections to major activity centres and key railway stations within metropolitan Melbourne.

The full details are here and the FAQ is here.

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