
Yan Yean Pipe Track on track

Planning is being finalised for the construction of the Yan Yean Pipe Track from South Morang through Mill Park to the Darebin Creek Trail.

The 3.75 km stretch of trail will be built in five stages between now and 2026 along the water pipeline corridor.

The first stage, starting at the Darebin Creek and heading north to Appletree Drive will get underway in March.

Simultaneously work will also start on a shared path along Bush Boulevard in South Morang which will create a vital connection to the pipe track from the South Morang shopping centre.

The projects will connect up to a number of schools shopping precincts and community facilities.

The projects are being undertaken by the City of Whittlesea which has put the designs out for public consultation.

You can have your say here.

Have your say download maps

The Bush Boulevard path is located between Plenty Road ands McDonalds Road and there Plenty Valley Town Centre.

Although the location and alignment of the paths are finalised, the City wants feedback on facilities and opportunities to enhance the experience of trail users, including:

Seating, repair stations, water points, landscaping and road crossings How to maximise inclusion, access and safety on the paths for the entire community What community programs or activities you would like to see on the land that the shared paths run through.

Project timeline:

Stage 1 - commencing January 2021

  • Bush Boulevard shared path
  • Yan Yean Pipe Track – Darebin Creek Trail to Appletree Drive
  • Stage 2 - commencing March 2021

  • Yan Yean Pipe Track – Appletree Drive to Childs Road Stage 2a -- 2022/23
  • Bush Boulevard Pedestrian Operated Traffic Signals – early 2022
  • Stage 3 - 2023/24

  • Yan Yean Pipe Track – Childs Road to Moorhead Drive including:
  • Childs Road Pedestrian Operated Traffic Signals
  • Moorhead Drive link to Mill Park Secondary College entranc
  • Childs Road link to Stables Shopping Centre
  • Stage 4 - 2024/25

  • Yan Yean Pipe Track – Moorhead Drive to Centenary Drive
  • Stage 5 - 2025/26

  • Yan Yean Pipe Track – Centenary Drive to Bush Boulevard
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