
Upgrade for risky road in Queensland

The Queensland state government is offering $7 million for safety upgrades to the notoriously risky Beachmere Road north of Brisbane, and is currently seeking input from the community. 

The neglected road connects Bribie Island Road to the town of Beachmere near Caboolture and has been subject to multiple fatal crashes and more than 60 hospitalisations since 2002. 

The narrow unsealed road, prone to flooding, is what many students would use if they want to cycle to school, leading to a petition in 2018 to install bike lanes along the road described as a "death trap". 

Mother of one Teresa Bird lead the petition for a bike and foot path to be built on Beachmere Rd, 2018.

Before work begins, the Department of Transport and Main Roads is undertaking a study to investigate the capacity, safety and efficiency of the road.

Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey said: “the planning study is expected to be completed by the end of 2021. Then any identified improvements will progress to design and construction to meet our $7 million funding commitment for Beachmere Road.”

The community can provide feedback on any priority section or safety issue for Beachmere Road, and we encourage bike riders and advocates to voice your opinions. 

Community engagement opened this week until May 14 2021. You can have here say here.

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