
Pop up upgrades set to expand in the inner north
Pop-up upgrades set to expand in the inner north

The Department of Transport is gearing up to deliver a new suite of route upgrades in Melbourne’s inner northern suburbs in the coming months.

Planning is underway now the Darebin and Yarra Connectors and St Georges Road Link.

These include Clifton Hill and Fitzroy on: Wellington Street, Delbridge Street, Falconer Street, Napier Street and Queens Parade.

And in Fairfield and Northcote on: Station Street, Victoria Road, Jeffrey Street and Westgarth Street.

On these streets much of the current road layout will be retained, with updating line markings, audio tactile and on-road symbols to better guide drivers and bike riders.

Later there will be a project on the St Georges Road route to improve the usability of the off-road through to the Inner Circle Rail Trail.

On approach to key intersections, the DoT will also consider barrier kerbs and bollards to provide greater separation between drivers and people on bikes.

Some minor parking changes may be required.

Comments can be made here.

The St Georges Road project link will improve bike riding access across the Merri Creek Trail to the Inner Circle Rail Trail, connecting the journey between Preston and Melbourne’s CBD.

"This corridor will improve the north-south connectivity of existing bike infrastructure, including links to Melbourne’s CBD", the DoT says.

"It will also provide greater awareness and knowledge of existing bike routes for new and novice riders, while also informing existing riders of alternative route options.

"We know safety is a key barrier to encouraging more bike riders on to the network, so we want to improve directional signage to help new riders choose the Merri Creek Trail as a safe route.

"We’re using a pop-up approach and responsive design process to incorporate community ideas into the design, installation and adjustments of the lanes after they’re in place.

"This program of works will allow us to be flexible and responsive as we understand the local user experience.

"Let us know your early thoughts by making a comment or suggestion on our online map. Your feedback will help us to understand any local issues or concerns, as we adapt the design to your area.

"We’ll be talking to stakeholders most impacted by the works prior to construction.

"These pop-up bike routes provide people with another transport option, helping free up space on our roads and public transport," DoT says.

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