
Darebin Trail long term closure

A section of the Darebin Creek Trail south of Childs Road, Mill Park, will be closed until late next year.

A convenient low-traffic detour will be in place.

A new bridge is being constructed over the creek at Childs Road as part of an upgrade to the road.

The bridge project also includes constructing the trail under Childs Road and connecting it to the Hendersons Creek Trail as well as the Darebin Creek Trail to the north, with a new separated road bridge crossing of the creek.

Work on the new bridge starts early June.

To support construction of the new bridge, ACE Contractors will establish a worksite located across the existing trail to the south of the bridge.

The shared trail will consequently be temporarily closed from 27 May until late 2022.

The detour will be via Hawkes Drive and Moneghetti Way.

Follow detour signage in place on the trail.

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