
Mont Albert - Surrey Hills concepts released

Plans for the level crossing removals at Union Road and Mont Albert Road—that form a crucial link in the forthcoming new trail from Box Hill to Hawthorn—are close to finalisation.

With early works expected to start this year, and construction in 2022, final adjustments are now being applied to the design for the new station precinct through which the new trail will flow.

The project is constructing a section of trail as part of the station development. Pedestrians will have their own facilities through the precinct.

Illustrations show the new trail approaching from the east, on the south side of the railway track, and crossing Mont Albert Road at a signal-controlled crossing.

It proceeds along the railway and then around the back of a rejuvenated Lorne Parade Reserve before approaching the bike parking facility at the station.

It then snakes through to Union Road where there is a signalised crossing where the road crossed the rail track, where it will continue west on the north side of the railway line as part of the future trail roll-out.

Development work on the Box Hill to Hawthorn Trail is continuing, with the prospect of the link from Box Hill being built to link with the new station by the time of completion.

A new bridge will replace the old narrow underpass at the existing Mont Albert Station, providing a direct connection from the trail to the shops.

A detailed map is here.

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