
Free Future of Sydney cycling seminar

Bike enthusiasts can join a free online seminar tomorrow about bike riding infrastructure and safety in Sydney and Australia.

Hosted by the University of New South Wales, the seminar will focus on promoting evidence based bike policy and will feature presentations by Dr Nicholas Hunter from Bicycle Network and Dr Ben Beck from Monash University.

Dr Hunter's presentation will be about how bike advocacy groups can gather valid data and evidence and use it to persuade policy developers and decision makers.

Following presentations, an open discussion will focus on the following broad questions:

  • What is the current status of cycling infrastructure in Australian capital cities including Sydney?
  • What are the gaps and areas for cycling infrastructure investment?
  • Where do we want to be ideally in the next 5 years?

It is the first of a series of think tank sessions titled The Future of Sydney.

The Future of Sydney virtual think tank series

What: Promoting evidence based policy on cycling
When: 3:00pm – 4:00pm Friday 2 July 2021
Where: Online using Zoom
Meeting ID: 6884889083


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