
Share your thoughts on Moreland bike lanes

New bike lane projects are popping up throughout the Moreland council area and you can share your thoughts on what its like to ride them.

Separated bike lanes have been installed on Dawson Street in Brunswick and on Kent Road and Northumberland Road in Pascoe Vale.

Council is seeking feedback from people who ride the bike lanes to help plan any modifications. The projects are at this stage being delivered as trials.

Feedback closes at 5pm Friday 16 July, with more than 900 comments already received. If you'd like to have your say you should get in quick.

The new separated bike lane on Dawson Street, Brunswick.

Moreland will develop a summary document of FAQs and key points from feedback received and also hold face-to-face consultation about the Pascoe Vale lanes.

The new bike lanes were installed as a response to COVID-19 to help people ride and walk around the local area. Moreland council's aim is to:

  • Encourage local trips to jobs, services and facilities by walking and cycling.
  • Make cycling safe, comfortable (especially for those less confident) and a preferred mode of travel in Moreland.
  • Establish high-quality pedestrian routes and places that are safe, comfortable and accessible.
  • Create efficient routes that will cater to social distancing requirements.
  • Avoid a significant increase in congestion on our roads as COVID-19 restrictions ease

As well as protected lanes on Dawson Street, Kent Road and Northumberland Road, changes were also made to a section of Albion Street and shared zones developed in Brunswick East.

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