
Help shape Tweed's new bike plan

Tweed Council are looking for input to help shape a 10-year action plan to improve active transport networks across the Shire.

The new Tweed Pedestrian and Bike Plan will guide investment into pedestrian and bike cycling infrastructure for the growing and physically active population.

Tweed Council is hosting a series of interactive surveys and workshops, and is keen to hear from bike riders in the region about their experiences travelling in and around the Shire. 

They're seeking a range of feedback on:
  • where new footpaths, crossings or on-road cycle lanes should be upgraded or built
  • where safety can be improved (visibility, separation from cars, lower speeds)
  • where accessibility can be improved (access for prams, wheelchairs, mobility scooters)
  • where comfort can be improved (shade, seating, water fountains).

You can have your say by completing the bike survey or dropping pins on the interactive bike plan map


Council’s Road Safety Officer Alana Brooks said: "The Tweed is such an incredible place to live and visit and we know just how much the community loves to get outdoors and enjoy the magnificent scenery around us – especially now when we’re under COVID-19 restrictions.

"We’re interested to hear from residents about their ideas on how we can improve our pedestrian and bike paths and facilities. We want to learn if there are any opportunities that would encourage people to walk or cycle more often.

"We’d also like to gain insight into any issues or challenges residents may currently experience or if they have any vision for the future of the area.”

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