
Trams works to close High Street Kew
Trams works to close High Street Kew

Riders in Kew will face disruptions this month as major tram track upgrades close sections of High Street.

Three locations on High Street between Barkers Road, Kew and Burke Road, Kew East will be impacted as tracks, overhead wires and poles are upgrades.

Riders should be able to utilise the popular routes along Denmark and Wellington Street during the construction activities.

Yarra Trams says the urgent renewal and upgrades will deliver quieter infrastructure, improved ride, comfort and safety.

Early works such as pre-welding of new tram tracks and installation of site offices will take place from this Wednesday 8 September through to Saturday 18 September 2021.

These works will take place on High Street between Westbook Street and Normanby Road, Kew. Site offices and material storage will be setup on Hartwood Street at the intersection of High Street.

To minimise disruption, the major works are taking place during school holidays from 17 September:
  • High Street between Harp Junction and Burke Road, Kew – 10pm Friday 17 September to 5am Saturday 2 October 2021
  • High Street curve, Kew (Kew Junction) 10pm Friday 17 September to 5am Wednesday 22 September 2021
  • High Street between Barkers Road and O’Shaughnessy Street, Kew 10pm Friday 17 September to 5am Saturday 25 September 2021

No vehicle access, other than emergency services, will be permitted during this time.

The businesses located around the works area will remain open during the works. Rider can walk their bikes along footpaths to shops in the work zone.

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