
Expect minor impacts in Aberfeldie

The upgrade of the Maribyrnong River main sewer has moved to the Aberfeldie Park precinct, adjacent to the Maribyrnong River Trail and local bike routes.

However due to night works and the trenchless technologies being utilised, only minor impacted on riders are expected.

Due to the lockdown, there are currently high numbers of walkers and people on bikes through the area.

There may be reduced access for pedestrians and riders along small sections of shared paths while work in underway around sewer manholes.

Traffic controllers will direct path users around the worksite.

There will be temporary changes to traffic conditions on The Boulevard and Holmes Road, including speed limit reductions and partial lane closures while working around sewer manholes on local roads.

Starting early October about a kilometre of deteriorated pipe along The Boulevard will be relined by accessing 16 manholes and inserting a new liner into the existing pipe.

The section from about the Walter Burly Griffin Incinerator to Poynton's Nursery will her undertaken at night, with the section along Riverside Park being worked on during the day.

The construction team will work progressively along the street from manhole to manhole through to early next year.

Some odour is expected during the works, particularly when sewer manholes are opened, and the sewer is cleaned.

The MRM Sewer is 8.8 kilometres long and is one of the main sewers in Melbourne Water’s 400-kilometre network. Each day, it transports approximately 24 million litres of sewage from 36,000 properties in the north-western suburbs of Melbourne to where it’s treated at the Western Treatment Plant in Werribee.

The upgrade has been underway since 2018.

The next stage will start in April next year near where the trail branches of Afton Street.

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