
Improve road safety in Wyndham

The City of Wyndham—the huge municipality in Melbourne’s burgeoning west—is developing a road safety strategy, and you can help.

The suburbs are largely car based, but in the new growth areas some decent bike infrastructure is going in.

But to get more people out commuting to stations and schools, and getting healthy, more attentions is needed to lower risks.

The City is developing a ten year Road Safety Strategy and wants to know what you think about road safety in Wyndham and what can be done to improve it.

"Road safety is not just important for people that drive cars”, the City says. "Pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users are also impacted by road safety initiatives and improvements."

Have your say via the survey here, or pin a spot in the map where could improve road safety in Wyndham could be improved. Feedback closes at 11:59PM Friday 15 October 2021.

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