
Bike rider separated bike lane Sydney
12 ideas for improving Sydney's future transport

Committee for Sydney has launched twelve ideas for the update of Transport for NSW's Future Transport Strategy.

The proposal states: "The update to Transport for NSW’s Future Transport Strategy 2056 is an opportunity to build on this success and continue the momentum.

"If the updated strategy is matched by complementary thinking in the Greater Sydney Commission’s next Greater Sydney Region Plan – especially with regard to shaping land use patterns to support walking and public transport – and Infrastructure NSW’s next Five-Year Infrastructure Plan, Sydney can take another big step forward in terms of quality of life, decarbonisation and economic performance."

The submission puts forward 12 ideas for prominent inclusion in the Future Transport Strategy 2056 update:

  1. Adopt a mode share target
  2. Continue to expand the Metro network
  3. Support high-density around rail stations
  4. Upgrade the bus network
  5. Develop a program for making Sydney’s streets and roads better for people
  6. Reduce traffic volumes in the CBD
  7. Adopt a more visionary motorway logic
  8. Make cycling a serious mode of transport
  9. Connect Sydney to the megaregion
  10. Embrace emerging technologies
  11. Use pricing more effectively
  12. Change the KPIs for the organisation

There's a lot of interesting stuff in there, including this table:

Zooming in on idea #8, the submission states:

"We believe the potential exists for this to increase significantly, based on experiences in cities like New York, which had rates of cycling very similar to Sydney, but which have made big changes over the past 20 years.

"From a policy perspective, cycling is quite simple: when there is a network of safe places to ride, people will ride their bikes.

"As of today, Transport for NSW does not have a program in place that will lead to a significant increase in rates of cycling in Sydney. Cycling is the missing mode.

"We recognise cycling will never be the primary mode of choice for most people the way it is in some European cities. However, it is very reasonable to imagine cycling growing to be 5% or even 10% of trips to work; a major form of access to-and-from train stations; and a major form of access to parks, beaches and other recreation amenities."

Sounds like a plan!

You can read the full submission here

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