
Jackson Creek Trail opportunities

Opportunities have emerged for expanded trails along Jackson Creek at Sunbury in Melbourne’s north west.

The government is investing in the construction of new paths that will enable people to ride and walk from Sunbury township to Jacksons Hill Reserve.

It will include a stairway with panoramic views that will lead to a future footbridge over Jacksons Creek.

The future planning now underway will identify the best locations for trails, picnic facilities, access points and play areas that will be created in years to come.

The trail network for walking and cycling will be extended to provide connections throughout the parklands.

The aim is to provide long and short trails for people to walk and cycle along.

Jackson Creek Regional Parklands form a significant open space corridor that supports natural, cultural and geological values with visually stunning landscapes, escarpments and waterway views.

The valley will support plants and animals, including platypus and growling grass frogs, so it will not be suitable for dog off-leash areas (other than the existing dog off-leash area at Emu Bottom Wetlands).

The new 1,008-hectare Jacksons Creek Regional Parklands stretch from Diggers Rest to north of Emu Bottom Wetlands in Sunbury along Jacksons Creek.

Read the fact sheet.

Park planners welcome community feedback on the vision and priorities for the parklands.

Have your say here.

This is the first stage of engagement. There will be further engagement on the Jacksons Creek Regional Parklands Plan in March–April 2022.

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