
Detours on Darebin Creek Trail

The Darebin Creek Trail in Mill Park will be subject to detours early in 2022 as works on the new Child’s Road Bridge continues.

South of Child’s Road riders on the trail will be diverted at Moneghetti Way via Hawkes Road to Child’s Road.

Riders from the north along the trail can cross the existing bridge and take the diversion in the reverse direction.

A small site office is currently located on the trail near the bridge, making it impassable. This section of path will be closed for most of the year as the new bridge is constructed.

When completed the trail will for the first-time pass under the Childs Road Bridge.

Riders from the north along the trail can cross the existing bridge and take the diversion in the reverse direction.

The other detour is on the north side of the Childs Road bridge works.

While contractors build a retaining wall for the new shared trail under the bridge, a section of the existing trail along the Henderson Road Drain will be detoured.

The diversion to Childs Road will be via Bowman Drive and Patmore Court.

There are reports that the detour signage is not well located and not easily noticeable for riders on the trail.

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