
Sydney city street to become bike-friendly promenade

Castlereagh Street is one of Sydney’s busiest city streets, and plans are underway to transform it into a people-friendly promenade with bike lanes and alfresco dining.

Under a new proposal by City of Sydney, Castlereagh Street will be made more liveable with wider footpaths for outdoor dining, more trees lining the kerbside, and an 800m bi-directional separated cycleway that connects with the wider bike network.

The separated bike lane will support not only commuters but also the growing number of delivery riders in the city.

The City of Sydney’s proposal aims to better provide for people walking, which currently make up almost three quarters of the trips along Castlereagh Street and yet are provided only a third of the total street space.

Lord Mayor Clover Moore has highlighted numerous benefits for the community, saying that the improvements will “benefit workers, residents, visitors and businesses looking to bounce back from the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic”.

“Cyclists will also be able to ride in both directions along the length of the promenade, reinventing it as a conveniently linked and safe cycling route,” the Lord Mayor said.

The Castlereagh Street proposal will be brought to council for approval in June.

In the meantime, public consultation will run until April 22. You can leave your feedback about the proposal and design online at Sydney Your Say.

Following approval, construction is expected to begin at the start of 2023 and be completed by the end of 2024.

This article was made possible by the support of Bicycle Network's members who enable us to make bike riding better in Australia.