
Lights on for Boulie project

Upgrades to the Yarra Boulevard in Kew have started with work to install street lighting through the precinct now underway.

Reconstruction of intersections will begin in late May with those works to be completed by year's end.

Riders on the popular circuit should be aware that crews installing the lighting are onsite and activities may impact on riding conditions.

Traffic management is in place when required.

The project has suffered long delays, mainly due to problems with the street lighting component, originally proposed to be solar powered.

The project involves the State Government, Boroondara Council, and a funding partnership with the Federal Government.

The recent Federal Budget contained a surprise $2M in supplemental funding for the project that has enabled proper provision for street lighting, and as a consequence the rest of the project now has the green light.

The Boulevard is a quiet low-traffic route most of the time, and a great road for riders looking for a serious workout.

However, because it was quiet and out of the way, it was also a magnet for hooning motorcyclists and motorists, with three fatalities in the last decade.

The safety improvements include:

  • new raised safety platforms at Wiltshire Drive, Bellbird Road, Molesworth Street, Yarravale Road, Boathouse Road and Walmer Street
  • a new raised intersection at Yarra Street reconfiguring the Studley Park off-ramp intersection (top and bottom) improving street lighting
  • line marking and signage at each of the key intersections
  • a physical median at some intersections to compliment the raised safety platforms.

To make it safer and easier to access local streets and walking trails along Yarra Boulevard, the project be improving pedestrian facilities at several strategic locations identified by the community and key stakeholders.

In addition to the CCTV camera overlooking the Eastern Freeway Bridge, there will also be a second CCTV camera near the Studley Park off-ramp to assist Victoria Police in monitoring road safety and compliance with road rules.

This article was made possible by the support of Bicycle Network's members who enable us to make bike riding better in Australia.