
UPS to trial new battery-powered cargo quads

US delivery giant UPS have unveiled their new electric four-wheeled cargo cycles, which are currently hitting bike lanes across New York and other major cities.

While we may be forgiven for regarding the vehicles as a form of delivery truck, they are in fact fully electric and pedal-powered.

The four-wheeled cycles, or ‘eQuads’ as UPS have dubbed them, are about 10 feet long (3 metres) and can hit top speeds of 15.53 mph (25 kph).

UPS see these eQuads as a solution to reduce their carbon footprint around congested cities.

"New York is a complicated city, when we look at the density," a UPS spokesperson told CBS News, "so if we can have success here in the city, then we can see how we implement in other cities throughout the U.S."

While this is being extolled as a greener alternative to gas-guzzling vehicles, others have raised issue about bike rider safety. InputMag have noted that the heavily congested areas where these cargo cycles will be designated are already risky enough for bike riders. Safety concerns may rise for people riding bikes in these lanes, not to mention those driving vehicles adjacent.

A trial run will be undertaken in New York City and in several cities in Europe.

Image credit: Business Insider

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