
Bicycle Network Board nominations now open

Bicycle Network is now calling for nominations for candidates to join our Board.

The Board is the ultimate authority in Bicycle Network and each member is responsible for Bicycle Network’s controls. These responsibilities are substantial and include legal, regulatory and internal controls as well as organisational liability and risk management.

The Board also ensures that Bicycle Network is equipped to respond to the changing circumstances and situations in  external and internal environments to achieve its mission to promote the health of the community through more people riding more often.

The Board seeks nomination of candidates for election with demonstrated skills and relevant experience to these responsibilities.

How to nominate

Please complete the Online Nomination application form here.

To be eligible to nominate, vote, or stand for election, you must be 18 years or older and be an existing member of Bicycle Network (with at least 9 months of continuous membership).

Nominations open Monday 15 August 2022. Applications must be received by 5 pm EST Wednesday 14 September 2022.


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