
Reopened Parkiteer at Hallam Station

The Parkiteer cage at Hallam has reopened, with a fresh coat of paint and a much closer location to the brand-new station.

Thanks to the Level Crossing Removal Project, Hallam's new station is now elevated and with better facilities, including improved lighting, CCTV and a Parkiteer cage moved closer to the entrance of the citybound line.

The upgrades also include surrounding infrastructure works with improved accessibility, allowing safe and easy access to walking and cycling paths.

The 2 new station entrances, one on each side of Hallam S Road, allow passengers to catch the train without having to cross the busy road, with lifts and stairs to take passengers from the forecourt to the train platforms.

More Parkiteers to come

There have been a few new Parkiteers opened since the beginning of the year, and there will be several more Parkiteer cages in the pipeline for the rest of 2022 as part of the Level Crossing Removal Project and various station upgrades.

Parkiteer is free to use. Visit to register and find your nearest Parkiteer bike parking cage.

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