
New section of Boyne-Burnett Inland Rail Trail opens

Budding bike tourists are welcoming a 30km extension of the Boyne-Burnett Inland Rail Trail (BBIRT) stretching from Mt Debateable to Mundubbera.

The existing BBIRT comprises a 26km section of rail trail between Kalpowar and Builyan in northern Queensland, flanked by a number of scenic state forests and national parks. It’s a stunning stretch of rail trail, comprising historical tunnels and rail bridges.

The newly opened section is, interestingly, not connected with the existing section but is in fact 170km to the south.

The new section starts at the historic Mt Debateable station near Gayndah and runs parallel with the Burnett River towards Mundubbera.

Bicycle Queensland have highlighted the adventurous appeal of this trail, which comprises bumps, steep pinches and lots of sandy surfaces. A mountain bike is recommend to those taking on the trail.

There is also the chance to spot one of our native’s ‘living dinosaurs’, the Australian lungfish, in the Burnett River.

The stretch of disused railway corridor between Kalpowar and Munduberra is yet to be officially designated as rail trail. Rail Trails Australia have highlighted that the BBIRT could be Australia’s longest rail trail if this section is delivered.

The best means of accessing the BBIRT is by car, but there is also a shuttle service available, which runs along the tunnel sections of the northern BBIRT. There are camping options at each of the sections.  

Be sure to visit the Rail Trails Australia website for a detailed description of the rail trail.

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