
Grattan Street: road to new normal

Parkville’s new underground station has dug deep under Grattan Street and although much work is still to be done below, up above work is beginning on the transformation of the street into a more bike and PT friendly environment.

Metro Tunnel is about begin reinstatement of Grattan Street into the form it will take once Parkville Station is completed.

Starting on 18 October, and stretching into late 2023, staged reinstatement and public realm works will be underway, including service relocations, footpath, kerb and road pavement construction, traffic signal modifications, and the installation of bike infrastructure, bus stops, street furniture, lighting and landscaping.

There will be considerable impacts on movement through the area, although works will be arranged to minimise impacts on the University.

Work will be underway 7am to 6pm, Monday to Friday and 7am to 1pm Saturdays.

The first stage of activity will be the block between Leicester and Bouverie on the northern footpath and within the eastbound traffic lane from 18 October until early 2023.

The following stage will start on the southern side of Grattan Street. Further information about these works, including timing and access changes, will be provided in early 2023.

The final asphalting and line marking for Grattan Street between Leicester and Bouverie streets is scheduled for late 2023.

Reinstatement and public realm works will take place up to property boundaries, including on footpaths and directly adjacent to building entrances.

Traffic management changes include:

  • The Grattan Street northern footpath will be closed between Leicester and Bouverie streets, with pedestrians diverted onto the Grattan Street southern footpath;
  • The Grattan Street north-south pedestrian crossing at Leicester Street will remain open;
  • Grattan Street eastbound, between Leicester and Bouverie streets, will remain open to traffic;
  • Grattan Street westbound, between Leicester and Bouverie streets, will be closed to traffic;
  • The loading bay and four parking spaces on the southern side of Grattan Street will be removed to facilitate eastbound traffic access on Grattan Street;
  • On the completion of reinstatement and public realm works on Grattan Street between Leicester and Bouverie Streets in 2023, the loading bay and four parking spaces on the southern side of Grattan Street will be replaced with a new westbound bike lane;
  • Traffic management and signage will be in place to safely direct vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians around the work area;
  • Works will be staged to best maintain access to the University of Melbourne’s Engineering Block D and Gate 9 entrances and where works occur directly up to these points, alternative access arrangements will be put in place, with alternative arrangements signed;
  • Access to businesses will be maintained; Bus routes 546 and 402 will continue to utilise the bus stop on the corner of Bouverie and Church streets.

Other Metro Tunnel works are occurring in the Parkville Station precinct and these works may result in additional changes to how pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles use the area over the next year.

The work that will be underway includes:

  • Site establishment including installing traffic barriers, temporary fencing and signage around the perimeter of the work site;
  • Removing the existing northern footpath, kerbs and road surface which includes non-destructive digging, excavating and saw cutting;
  • Installing new infrastructure including stormwater drainage, street lighting, traffic signals, new bus stops and an irrigation system;
  • Landscaping works including installing street furniture such as benches, bollards, signage and bike hoops;
  • Reconstructing the northern footpath, kerbs and road surface involving laying bluestone, asphalting, and line marking.

Riders should be conscious of the significant changes underway in the Parkville Precinct, as above-ground construction systems such as gantry cranes are removed, and construction vehicle movement patterns change.

Pedestrian movements will also alter, requiring bike riders to be more careful, and to resist the temptation to ride on footpaths that will at times become congested.

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