
New connection for Anniversary Trail

There is a lovely shaded, leafy and hushed stretch of the Anniversary Trail deep through Mont Albert that is a pleasure to glide through on a bike — if you can get to it.

The nearest access point can be up to a kilometre away.

But now that could change with the City of Boroondara proposing the construction of a ramp from Mont Albert Road down to the trail.

The proposal has been in the City’s bike plan, and now could become a reality as public consultation gets underway.

According to the council there aren’t many places where you can access the Anniversary Trail between Whitehorse Road and Rubens Grove.

"We are proposing to build a new ramp that could reduce the distance between access points from one kilometre to 300 metres along this stretch of the trail,” the council states.

"A ramp at this location would also: provide a connection between important east-west and north-south bicycle and pedestrian routes improve access, safety and security provide opportunities for local students to walk or ride to school deliver better access for emergency services when required meet disability standards.”

If there is community support for the proposed ramp, the council will use feedback to inform a feasibility study.

This study would be presented to the Victorian Government and advocate for them to provide funding for the project.

Bicycle Network has noticed that the concept drawings show a rectilinear type ramp structure. Not for the first time bicycle infrastructure providers have to be reminded that such ramps should be curvilinear at corners — we’ve yet to see a bike that makes right-angle turns.

You can leave feedback on this project via the City of Boroondara here.

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