
Minor disruptions around Footscray

The project to upgrade the Sunbury rail line will be active around Footscray in the lead up to the Summer break, and riders should be alert to construction vehicles entering the rail corridor near bike routes.

The shared path through Newells Paddock may be disrupted at Leunig Place where a temporary rail access site has been set up on vacant land.

There will be 24-hour activities on 12 December and between 16 and 19 December.

Traffic controllers will be present to manage access for pedestrians and local residents on Leunig Place, as well as to assist with construction vehicle movements around the site.

Across on the other side of the rail corridor the same project will be accessing the rail corridor from Josephs Road, which riders regularly use to connect to the Maribyrnong River Trail.

These activities will occur 24 hours daily from 9pm, Friday 16 December to 3am, Monday 19 December 2022.

During the same period there will activities in the Footscray Station precinct with access from the Hyde Street car-park.

Traffic controllers will be present to assist with pedestrian, cyclist and construction vehicle movements around work sites.

Again, on the same days there will be construction traffic access into the rail corridor from Sunshine Road between West Footscray and Tottenham stations. This should not impact bikes that are using the Cross Street tail on the other side of the rail corridor.

The Sunbury Line Upgrade project will take a break from construction from 23 December 2022 to 3 January 2023.

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