
Active transport plan for eastern Canberra

A light rail and large active transport corridor through eastern Canberra may solve traffic challenges and drive economic activity and sustainability in the region.

The Eastwick Greenline vision released by the Fyshwick Business Association (FBA) in November calls for the replacement of the existing, underutilised train line and a new transport hub at the eastern end of Fyshwick. The plan includes a new 4km light rail corridor with space for an active travel path and sustainable development opportunities.

FBA president Rob Evans said Fyshwick was poorly served by public transport, more than 30,000 commuters choked its roads daily and the area was difficult and dangerous to navigate by bike or scooter.

“Canberrans have always ridden bikes and now e-scooters are popular,” he said. “We need to make it easier for people to get out of cars and we simply cannot squander the opportunity in any new light rail infrastructure to include adjacent safe and accessible active travel corridors.”

“Reliable public transport and active travel options are good for business, especially when they take cars off the road in a place that is already clogged with traffic most of the day.”

Fyshwick is the ACT’s second largest economy and its third largest employment precinct, servicing more than 1500 businesses and 15,000 workers.

The ACT government has released a draft District Strategy, which outlines potential improvement of transport connections and access to urban areas including Fyshwick. The FBA said it welcomed the strategy’s identification of several sites along the rail corridor for potential development.

Mr Evans said the Eastwick Greenline plan was a “legacy vision that would benefit the whole of Canberra for decades to come”.

“The east end of Fyshwick is the perfect place for a brand-new, multi-modal transit hub where heavy rail meets light rail, which would provide a fitting arrival to the national capital for people travelling by train,” Mr Evans said.

“The hub would also include park-and-ride and end of journey facilities for active travellers.”

The FBA welcomes feedback via its website.

Image source: Fyshwick Business Association

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