
East-west upgrade through Sandringham

A key east-west route through Sandringham on Melbourne’s Port Phillip Bay looks set for a $1.44M upgrade.

The low-traffic 4 km corridor will connect Sandringham Train Station and Sandringham Family Leisure Centre with a combination of on-and off-road connections.

It forms the first stage of a previously planned route that eventually will go all the way through to Cheltenham Station on the Frankston line.

The City of Bayside is seeking rider feedback on the concept.

You can click on the webpage map to get further details on plans for various locations

Bayside City says the expansion of shared paths and dedicated bicycle infrastructure along this route better connects community services, reserves and sports grounds, schools, shopping precincts and public transport including railway stations.

"Our community benefits from safer bicycle paths, road conditions and suitable crossings by encouraging more people to travel sustainably. This helps the whole community by reducing traffic congestion, lowering emissions, and helping to address the climate emergency.”

The proposed route was assessed as the most suitable option as it:

  • Is direct and minimises travel distances.
  • Limits the distance cyclists travel on busy arterial roads.
  • Minimises the potential reduction of on-road parking.
  • Limits requirements for road treatments, including speed humps and reducing speed limits.
  • Connects existing services, businesses, schools, sporting facilities and public transport.

The route was selected following a feasibility assessment of two possible east-west routes.

The proposed east and west route is identified as an important strategic cycling corridor by the Department of Transport and Planning, because it links destinations such as employment areas, public transport, and activity centres.

This project also aligns with the Bayside Bicycle Action Plan 2019 and Bayside 2050 Community Vision.

Measures to support shared use of the path include:

  • Improved line marking.
  • Reduced speed limits along some sections of the route.
  • New flat top road humps for safer road crossings along some sections of the route.
  • Discussions with the Department of Transport and Planning to improve main arterial road crossings.

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