
New intersection planned for key bike route

Residents in Melbourne’s rapidly growing outer east are being provided with extensive bike infrastructure along with their new suburbs, but some existing roads are not bike friendly.

One example is the risky roundabout at the corner of Thompsons Road and Berwick-Cranbourne Road in Clyde North.

Berwick-Cranbourne Road is a future Strategic Cycling Corridor for this region, but getting across this huge, high-speed roundabout is a problem.

But a fix could be in sight: Major Road Projects Victoria (MRPV) is undertaking planning and development work on behalf of the Victorian Government to investigate potential future options for an upgrade.

It is considering potential options to remove the existing roundabout and replace it with traffic signals, improving public transport, walking and cycling infrastructure at the intersection.

Currently, bikes south-bound on the path along Berwick-Cranbourne Road are dumped back onto the road at Fenwick Boulevard, instead of the path continuing to the intersection.

The MRPV is currently developing a business case with planning work expected to be complete in late 2023.

The business case is a comprehensive document that will provide a detailed examination of the potential intersection upgrade.

Traffic modelling, constructability assessments, economic modelling, community consultation and environmental investigations will be undertaken.

This work will allow us to understand environmental and social impacts, develop design options and confirm scope and costs of different options.

Roadside technical investigations will be undertaken from March until mid-2023.

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