
New $3.2 million shared use path for Goulburn

The regional city of Goulburn in New South Wales is set to gain an important connection for bike riders. 

The NSW Government has committed to a $3.2 million shared use path to link existing shared use paths that end at Lansdowne Street and Sloane Street. This is expected to improve access to the city centre from the south and east. 

“People in regional NSW have just as much right to decent walking and cycling infrastructure as people in Sydney and the Get NSW Active program ensures that regions get their fair share,” says NSW Minister for Active Transport Rob Stokes.  

“Regional cities like Goulburn have become really car dependent. This investment will give locals and tourists more freedom to get to and from the city cheaply, safely and easily.” 

The 1.9km path is part of the Get NSW Active program, which provides local councils around the state with funding for projects geared toward safe and convenient trips for walking and cycling.  

The project was driven by younger voices in the Goulburn community, something Member for Goulburn Wendy Tuckerman sees as a positive sign for future.  

“This proposal was put forward by the Goulburn Mulwaree Youth Council, a group of community minded young people between the ages of 12-24 and then supported by Goulburn Mulwaree Council,” Mrs Tuckerman says.  

“It is incredibly encouraging and affirming to see the next generation not only thinking about the importance of active transport in their community, but making it happen.”

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