
Woman to face charges following Noble Park hit and run
Update Thursday 20 April: this article has been amended to include the charges the driver is expected to face. 
A woman is expected to face charges following a hit and run involving a bike rider in Noble Park last week.
The driver is expected to be charged on summons with:
  • reckless conduct endangering life
  • reckless conduct endangering serious injury
  • intentionally causing injury
  • assault with a weapon
  • driving in a dangerous manner
  • failing to stop a vehicle after an accident
  • failing to render assistance after an accident
The incident occurred at about 6:40am on Thursday 13 April, as 59-year-old Pakenham man Robert Clark was commuting to work along Douglas Road. 
Dashcam footage of the incident shows a vehicle momentarily passing Clark, before slowing down and veering towards the left hand side of the road. 
The vehicle then appears to mount the kerb before colliding with Clark, knocking him onto the road. The bike was dragged along the road for more than 100 metres. 
Clark suffered grazes and bruises and was taken to hospital.

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