
Black and white photo of person driving with a mobile phone in one hand and red circle around the hand with the phone.
Cameras reveal distracted drivers

Shocking data from Victoria’s new mobile phone detection cameras has revealed that distracted driving is at epidemic proportions.

In just one month of operation, 1162 drivers were discovered with mobiles phones in hand while driving.

The operation began in April this year, using two AI cameras to capture high-resolution images of vehicles – including during poor weather and low light when distracted driving is even more dangerous.

Driver distraction and inattention are known, deadly hazards for people on bikes.

Bike riders, who also have a camera’s-eye view directly into vehicles, witness this behaviour daily, and all riders will welcome this new camera initiative.

However, there is a three month “grace period” until June 30 during which offenders will be issued with an advisory letter "to ensure they have an opportunity to heed safety warnings and adjust their behaviour before enforcement begins on 1 July”.

Once in force, drivers will face penalties of four demerit points and a $577 fine if caught using a mobile phone while driving, and a $385 fine for not wearing a seatbelt correctly.

Almost 3000 drivers have been detected not wearing seatbelts or driving while using a mobile phone according to initial data.

During their first month of operation, the cameras have detected 2993 offences, including 1606 drivers and 225 passengers not wearing seatbelts.

There are three camera trailer systems in operation and these can be deployed to up to 200 locations in rural and metropolitan areas.

They will help support enforcement of road rules that came into effect from 31 March and bring Victoria in line with the Australian Road Rules.

The new rules extended mobile phone laws to cover modern technologies such as in-built vehicle systems, mounted devices, wearable devices (such as smartwatches) and portable devices (such as mobile phones and tablets). Victoria Police can also issue roadside fines for illegal use of devices and seatbelt offences.

The State Government has invested $33.7 million in the new camera technology as part of the Victorian Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030.

Distracted driving is a major contributor to serious and fatal collisions. In 2022, nearly a quarter of vehicle occupants who died and their seatbelt status was known were not wearing a seatbelt.

Drivers are also 10 times more at risk of crashing if they are texting, browsing or emailing on their mobile phone.

Minister for Police Anthony Carbines said: ”Driver distraction is a major contributor to serious and fatal collisions, and yet it is completely avoidable. I urge Victorians to buckle up and remove as much distraction as possible while they’re driving.”

“Every life lost on our roads is a tragedy and it’s shocking to see that so many people are putting their safety and the lives of others at risk.