
More level crossing works for north-west

Work is proceeding apace on the Sunbury line to remove level crossings on Melbourne’s fringes and improve local bike connections.

The Sunbury line hosts a vital Strategic Cycling Corridor, which will connect from Sunbury to Sunshine and continue on the existing bike network through to inner Melbourne and the CBD.

The level crossing removals will add sections as part of the bridge construction.

The design for the road bridge at Calder Park, with its bike lane provision, is at an advanced stage (see image above).

The level crossing removal at the Old Calder Highway at Diggers Rest is now being planned and the public have been asked for input.

Riders are using local roads to connect to railway stations and other towns nearby, and these local roads can be perilous.

As good-quality infrastructure develops, bikes will be able to be used for many local trips.

Road bridges over the rail line are planned at Diggers Rest and the nearby Watson Road level crossing. Provision for the Strategic Cycling Corridor and bike facilities will be required on the new bridges.

Community consultation sessions will be conducted with the project team.

  • Saturday 1 July from 10am to 12pm, held at Diggers Rest Preschool
  • Tuesday 4 July from 10am to 12pm, held at Diggers Rest Preschool 
  • Thursday 6 July from 6.30pm to 8pm, hosted online via Zoom.

Register online at the consultation page.

These level crossing removals will also make the Sunbury Line level crossing free in 2025.

At Calder Park, as well as the crossing works at Calder Park Drive, the crossing nearby at Holden Road is being closed.

An accessible shared use path with a ramp and stairs will run on the eastern side of the road bridge, connecting to future walking and cycling links.

The contract for these works has been awarded to an alliance comprising Fulton Hogan, Metro Trains Melbourne and the Level Crossing Removal Project.

Meanwhile upgrades to parking facilities at Watergardens will deliver more bike hoops, CCTV and lighting. Works will be complete in late 2024.

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