
Kinglake route a better ride

Riders on the popular Kinglake route should have a better grip on the road thanks to an upgrade program by the Department of Transport and Planning.

Sections of the road have been resurfaced and gravel sections have been sealed.

The improvements, along a nine-kilometre stretch of Heidelberg-Kinglake Road between St Andrews and Kinglake, include guardrails in high-risk locations and safety barriers to improve safety for motorcyclists.

As part of the project, sections between Buttermans Track and Mt Jerusalem Track were resurfaced, and road shoulders and some driveway surfaces were resealed to reduce gravel debris.

Other works included improving drainage and line markings, as well as removing potential hazards including a disused bus stop and old telecommunication poles.

The works were delivered through the Motorcycle Safety Levy program, which has funded $93 million worth or safety initiatives including motorcycle policy and law, education and research, and road safety infrastructure improvements for motorcyclists.

Minister for Roads and Road Safety Melissa Horne urged all Victorians to "drive and ride safety so we can all get home safely at the end of the day”.

Member for Northern Victoria Region Jaclyn Symes says Heidelberg-Kinglake Road is a popular route for visitors to St Andrews, Kinglake and beyond.

"It’s fantastic to see these important works to improve safety for everyone using the road.”

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