
Tram route upgrades need careful consideration

Planning is underway for a major upgrade of the route 86 tram corridor along streets in Melbourne’s inner north that transverse some of the city’s most bike-dense suburbs.

New level access tram stops will be the main feature of the upgrade, with stops likely to move to better locations for tram travellers.

The route travels along High Street through Thornbury and Northcote, then Smith and Gertrude Streets, Fitzroy.

As in all tram projects, there are opportunities and risks for bike riders.

Generally, bikes and trams are great cohabitants of inner Melbourne streets and tram stop upgrades are an opportunity to improve the priority of public and active transport together.

The risks emerge for both bike riders and tram passengers when attempts are made to maximise car parking spaces near tram stops.

The route 86 streets, although often streaming with bikes, have minimal bike infrastructure provision and currently require an excessive level of skill and confidence to navigate securely.

The planners should seize every opportunity available to ensure these routes are relatively risk-free for active transport while being fast and reliable for tram passengers.

The Department of Transport and Planning is seeking feedback to help the project team develop tram stop and street improvement options.

There are surveys and a pin map for submissions with details of local pop-up events.

And in the inner West ...

A concurrent tram corridor upgrade plan is also underway on the inner west route 82 through Footscray and Maribyrnong.

Along Gordon Street, Ballarat Road and Droop Street through to Footscray Station, this route encounters some areas undergoing very rapid population growth, and the massive new Footscray Hospital at its doorstep.

Full details of public feedback arrangements are here.

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