
Oakleigh trail link designs updated

The proposal to link the Scotchmans Creek and Djerring Trails through Oakleigh has re-emerged with updated, better designs.

The City of Monash has developed a concept over the past year to connect the two popular trails in Melbourne’s south-east by providing a separated bike path along Atkinson Street.

The first iteration featured a two-way bike lane separated by a parking lane, but public consultation revealed concerns about sightlines at intersections for both drivers and riders.

The new concept removes all parking on the east side of Atkinson Street, producing a cleaner, highly visible route for bikes.

There is ample parking for residents in the side streets. Closer to the shopping centre there is a large carpark for drivers.

The other key aspects of the plan remain unchanged, including:

  • Improved connection along the east side of Atkinson Street, between Scotchmans Creek Trail and Dandenong Road
  • Dedicated crossings at the Atkinson Street/Dandenong Road signals (east side)
  • An on-road, separated cycleway on the east side of Atkinson Street, between Dandenong and Atherton Roads
  • Additional connection along the east side of Hanover Street, between Atherton Road and Burlington Street, extending east into Burlington Street
  • A provisional link along Burlington Street and Oxford Street to the Djerring Trail, with a longer-term proposal for a shared path connection through council-owned and VicTrack land alongside the eastern embankment of the Hanover Street bridge connecting to the Djerring Trail (subject to VicTrack approval).

The concept designs are open for further consultation until 9 October.

The section north of Dandenong Road connecting to Scotchmans Creek will be addressed in the second stage of the project.

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