
Mount Canobolas mounting biking network seeks approval

Orange City Council are seeking State Government approval for plans to build a network of 100 kilometres of mountain bike trails on Mt Canobolas.

After 12 months of investigation by a team of environmental consultants, archaeologists and track design experts, the proposal has been lodged with the Department of Industry Planning and Environment (DPIE) to be considered as a State Significant Development (SSD).

Orange Mayor Cr Jason Hamling welcomed the latest step in the project.

“The proposed mountain Bike Trail on Mt Canobolas is one of the Council’s generational projects that is going to make a huge difference to our local business economy by drawing enthusiasts from all over Australia,” Cr Jason Hamling said.

“We’re not pretending that a project of this scale is going to happen overnight, but it’s great to see another milestone that could bring us one step closer.

“I acknowledge we are dealing with a very special, environmentally sensitive area on the mountain and for that reason, it must measure up or it won’t go ahead. The lodging of this SSD application will start a thorough independent investigation by a state Government department.”

“Our expert consultants and track designers have done a brilliant job coming up with a network of tracks which we believe can be built around the mountain’s sensitive areas. The proposed routes can also now been seen on a new page on the Council website, which brings the many elements of the project together in the one place.”

There has been some opposition to the project, including from members of the local Aboriginal community. 

Cr Hamling said: "We want those voices to continue to be heard through the process. We have had discussions on the proposal with the Orange Local Aboriginal Land Council and will continue to do so."

You can learn more and keep up to date with these plans on the council website.

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