
Port Phillip to score 40 km of pop-up bike routes
Port Phillip to score 40 km of pop-up bike routes

The City of Port Phillip is in line for 40kms of new and improved pop-up bike routes as the state government continues to roll out the program of active transport enhancements across the inner suburbs.

The proposed routes and treatments are now available to view online and for riders to provide feedback

More information is available here at the drop-down Port Phillip menu.

VicRoads says the proposed routes include up to 2kms of pop-up bike lanes on Kerferd Road, providing an attractive walking and cycling route connecting Beaconsfield Parade to CBD-bound routes, public transport and local activity centres, including improved connections and bike rider safety with new parking-separated bike lanes along Kerferd Road between Canterbury Road and Richardson Street, as well as new on-road painted lanes between Richardson Street and Beaconsfield Parade.

An additional 38kms of new and improved bike routes will be installed across Port Melbourne, Albert Park, St Kilda, and Elwood and the wider south east.

VicRoads says there will also be:
  • Improved bike rider safety along two of Melbourne’s busiest bike riding commuter corridors, Marine and Beaconsfield Parades.
  • Better local connections with low impact treatments to improve rider safety and diver awareness on local streets.
  • Improved links to educational facilities, local activity centres, public transport and Melbourne’s CBD.

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