
Wonthaggi–Inverloch pathway finds funding
Wonthaggi–Inverloch pathway finds funding

The Victorian state government has pledged $3 million for a vital connection between Wonthaggi and Inverloch, which will allow people to travel by bike or foot between Inverloch and Cowes.

The remainder of the $7.7 million project is being funded by the Bass Coast Council.

The Wonthaggi to Inverloch path alignment originates from Bass Coast’s Aspirational Network Pathways Plan which was created as a result of community workshops held in 2015 and was adopted in 2016.

Adjacent landowners to the proposed path alignment have been in consultation throughout the detailed design phase, with infrastructure such as cattle underpasses being provided so that they can continue their operations.

The majority of the path will run through Council-owned road reserves and already cleared areas where no vegetation removal is required. Where the path does run through existing vegetation, an 'avoid and minimise' principal has been applied to minimise the amount of vegetation being removed.

A vegetation assessment and report has been undertaken to assist in the design. Any vegetation removal that takes place will be offset as per state government requirements and additional native vegetation planting will take place where the path runs through cleared farmland.

The council is currently in a detailed design phase and are meeting our funding requirements. They will continue to keep stakeholders informed throughout the project.

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