
Corowa-Mulwala bike trail project almost ready to ride

The $3.6 million trail connecting Mulwala and Corowa is expected to be completed by the end of September.

The Corowa-Mulwala trail connects the two towns via a 45-kilometre two-metre wide sealed bitumen trail along the road reserves.

The project is part of the Murray River Regional Experiences project, a joint initiative between the Albury City, Berrigan Shire and Federation councils. The trail is aimed at the providing residents and visitors in the area access to the Murray River, which will no doubt be a tourism drawcard.

A major feature of the trail includes a 200m boardwalk over Lake Mulwala near Drain Lane, which was completed in August.

“Council looks forward with anticipation to opening the entire trail for residents and tourists to enjoy for many years to come,” Federation Council’s General Manager Adrian Butler said.

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