
Mobility hub
Mobility hubs: the golden key for sustainable transport?

Initial findings from a study by Imperial College London suggest that mobility hubs may positively influence people to swap private vehicles for active travel.

‘Mobility hubs’ are places where people can switch from one mode of transport to another. Hubs can range from a bus stop to share bike network.

And they come with enormous benefits. Active mobility hubs promote positive physical and mental health and more liveable communities. They also offer significant economic opportunities, not only through alleviating burdensome health costs but through stimulating local economies around the hubs.

The Imperial College study, which focused on workplace mobility hubs, suggests that public zero-emission vehicle and active travel hubs could have significant uptake. Participants that were offered free access to a car club or bicycle increased the total number of journeys made by bicycle and other active travel.

The study also found some promising prospective behaviour changes, should mobility hubs be installed more widely. Around two thirds of those in the trial said that they planned to cycle more.

It’s an enticing prospect to consider for promoting sustainable forms of travel in Australia where, unfortunately, only around 1 per cent of people regularly ride to work.

You can read more about the study here.

This article was made possible by the support of Bicycle Network's members who enable us to make bike riding better in Australia.