
Supporting Sydney Road

Bicycle Network team members spent a day visiting Sydney Road this week to show how bikes can be good for business – now it's your turn to show retailers the benefits of cycle-friendly streets.

During the Christmas and holiday season we think it would be great for people who ride in Melbourne to make a trip to Sydney Road and show Brunswick and Coburg traders that it's not all about the car.

The campaign to revitalise Sydney Road with protected bike lanes continues to be stifled by those who thing a reduction in on-street parking will be bad for business.

However, information from bike-friendly streets shows the opposite is true, that people who ride spend money. Some research shows that bike riders spend 40 per cent more than drivers.

Some people argue that if there is less car parking then fewer people will be able to come to their shop, however local research also suggests that some retailers overestimate how many people drive to their shop.

A survey of visitors to Sydney Road found that 39 per cent of people travelled by car, despite traders estimating that more than 60 per cent of customers drove.

It's now time for us to back up this research and show retailers that their customers do indeed travel on two wheels.

When you visit Brunswick by bike consider mentioning to shopkeepers that you rode your bike in and that you might do it more often if Sydney Road had better bike lanes. You could also go for a more subtle approach and take your bike helmet in with you.

Our vision for Sydney Road is to see protected bike lanes built on both sides of the road as well as plenty of bike parking. By showing people that bikes can be good for business we can get more people to support this idea.

As well as showing your support for protected bike lanes to Sydney Road retailers you can also let the government know by contacting Roads Minister Jaala Pulford.

Read more Sydney Road

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